600 Yard Remote Trainer
600 Yard Remote Trainer
For every neighborhood walk, greenway jog, and dog park play date, the 600 Yard Remote Trainer is the best dog training tool to give your dog freedom while still letting you two stay in touch.
The 600 Yard Remote Trainer gives you almost a third of a mile range, perfect for off-leash walks and trips to the dog park. You can choose between tone, vibration or static stimulation to communicate with your dog. The remote fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, and we specifically designed the buttons to be intuitive, so they’re easy to remember and right where you expect them to be. The backlit, large font display is easy to read any time of day or night.
This training system is durable enough to survive even your most unpredictable adventures. The collar is ridged-coated polyester (to keep slipping at bay), and both the collar and remote are waterproof for all types of weather.
If you have 2 dogs in your family that you want to train, simply purchase an additional Add-A-Dog Receiver Collar to train both dogs with 1 remote. Your dog deserves the best. Trust PetSafe® to help keep your pet healthy, safe and happy.